Equine Eventing

A byproduct of pushing your horse to perform, most commonly on an empty stomach, is the potential of excessive acid buildup which can shorten stride, cause cramping, and create ulcers in the long run as well as to cause the horse to run out on jumps.

Since Marion Dupont-Scott did their classic ulcer study decades ago, showing that race horses tend to dump a lot of stomach acid at the break from the gate, Nutrient Buffer® has been one of the most widely used digestive aid buffering supplements for horses prior to stressful conditions. According to many prominent race track veterinarians, it helps horses race better.

Researchers found that simply withholding hay and feed for just 12 hours, resulted in erosions and gastric lesions that then progressed to ulcers. It is common practice for some race and event trainers to withhold feed and especially hay on race day, and that makes the predisposition to ulcers even more problematic.

Acid meters were implanted in the stomachs of racing horses to track the gastric acid secretion and found that the horses dumped a quantity of acid just as they left the gate. Without food in the stomach to absorb that acid, the predisposition to ulcers is great.

Nutrient Buffer® dosed at just 60㏄ prior to bitting up, can help the horse deal with this expected acid surge. It is a contact buffer only, in that it only works when excess acid is present. any excess is harmlessly passed through the digestive tract.

Since Nutrient Buffer® is not a drug, and does not enter into the body per se, to control or direct biochemistry like H₂ blockers and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) do, it will not give a positive test for any drug. It is perfectly safe to use anytime, even race day.

Nutrient Buffer® is recommended to be dosed just prior to bitting up for any work to stressful handling, vet work, trailering, dental, etc. Your horse will show a noticeable difference in ease of handling and behavior within 5-10 minutes of dosing.

You can use Nutrient Buffer® at rest stops as well as the finish of your endurance race along with electrolytes to protect stomach lining in heavy stress.